Swords Of Iron

494th day of fighting

Two Officers Meet their MDA Lifesavers

Two police officers who recovered from their severe injuries visited the MDA helipad and met the paramedics who saved their lives on the Black Saturday.

Two police officers who recovered from their severe injuries visited the MDA helipad and met the paramedics who saved their lives on the Black Saturday: “This is very emotional; I never stopped thinking about you”.

During the battles that occurred on the Black Saturday, two officers from the Segev Shalom police station were seriously injured, Operations Officer Or Yosef and Intelligence Officer Yoni Daskalo. This week, Chief Inspectors Or Yosef and Yoni Daskalo visited MDA’s helipad in the South, where they met, for the first time since the event, the paramedics who saved their lives.

“The first siren began as I was finishing a night shift. Because of the irregular number of sirens I understood the whole event was irregular,” Chief Officer Yoni Daskalo recalls. “Reports started to arrive on what was occurring over in Sderot and Ofakim so I began to head in that direction. Minutes later I met Or, and we had our first encounter with terrorists – a gunfight. On route to Ofakim, we had another. After the gunfire stopped, we evacuated more and more casualties from that area, but when we entered Re’im to proceed with the evacuation, we heard a violent explosion we recognized as an RPG. We knew that if we will stay in the vehicle we would die so we decided to get out, take cover and fight the terrorists from there. During the battle we were hurt by gunfire and shrapnel, I received a bullet to the stomach and Or suffered injuries to his limbs.

Chief Inspector Yosef Or: “We evacuated ourselves towards Ofakim, where we stopped and waved our hands at an MDA MICU which passed by us and stopped near us, Nisim the paramedic ran out towards us, immediately providing us with treatment and placing us in the MICU.”

MDA Paramedic Nisim Sasi spoke about the moment in which he met Or and Yoni: “As we began treating you, we put you in the MICU and at the same time reported your condition to MDA’s Dispatch Center. I knew your condition did not allow us to evacuate you in an ambulance to Soroka Hospital so I requested a helicopter to meet us at Beit Kama Junction. Those were some dramatic moments; we fought for your lives through the whole journey. During the evacuation Yoni said to me that he is going to die, I held his hand and answered him ‘you’re not going to die here, not on my shift.’ Seeing you here today, back on your feet, illustrates how important our fight for your lives was on the MICU. I was worried about you and I am excited to see you again.”

“We landed with the helicopter around Beit Kama and right after we joined the MICU. We rapidly put you in since we realized every second mattered and we needed to fly you to the hospital as fast as possible,” said MDA flight paramedic and head of the paramedic school, Dr. Shafir Botner, “Those were critical moments in the battle for your lives.”

MDA flight paramedic and medical division director, Rami Miller concluded: “We fight a battle for each patient. Every thought on who will survive and who will not – we leave out of our considerations. This is a real battle for the life of every patient, and today, two and a half months after the black Saturday, in which we battled for Yoni and Or’s lives, this is very exciting being with them here, brave police officers, who were badly wounded, standing here smiling. This is very emotional; I never stopped thinking about you.”


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