Swords Of Iron

520th day of fighting

In memory of the workers and volunteers who fell in the Swords of Iron War

In memory of the workers and volunteers who fell in the Swords of Iron War

Nitai Meisels R.I.P.

The story of Nitai Meisels R.I.P.

Armored Corps soldier and MDA Volunteer, Master Sergeant Nitai Meisels Z”L, fell in battle in Gaza

“He never stopped smiling, that was his trademark”

Magen David Adom mourns the falling of Armored Corps soldier and MDA Volunteer Master Sergeant Nitai Meisels Z”L (30), a Beer Sheva resident, who fell in battle in the Gaza Strip on Sunday (24.12.23). Nitai leaves parents, two sisters and a brother, and was buried in the military cemetery in Rehovot.

Nitai started in MDA as a youth volunteer in 2009 at the Rehovot MDA Station, and was active for 3 years until he joined a pre-army course and then recruited into the Armored Corps. Two years ago, Nitai returned to volunteer at the MDA station in Rehovot, completed an EMT course, and ensured to do shifts on ambulance and mobile intensive care units (MICUs).

Tsion Boaron, MDA EMT and chair of the Rehovot Station Committee: “Nitai never stopped smiling, it was his trademark. Both when he was a youth and also as an adult, he volunteered wherever he could – with troubled youth, or children with special needs, and many other places. He was constantly busy helping the community. May his memory be blessed.”

Idan Libman, MDA EMT and ambulance driver, and close friend of Nitai: “We’ve been good friends since high school until today. He loved the land of Israel and toured it at every opportunity – from north to south. He waited after he recruited into the IDF for the opportunity to return to MDA, which he did two years ago, and since then we have done many shifts together. On the morning of October 7th we were on shift together, it was his last in MDA – we provided medical treatment in multiple locations for hours, until the late afternoon when he received his emergency call-up into the IDF reserves. I lost a friend for life, and a professional and much-loved member of the MDA family. I send a big hug to the family and share their sorrow.”

MDA Director General Eli Bin eulogized Nitai Meisels Z”L: “The MDA family has lost a professional, loved and talented volunteer, who sought every opportunity to smile and help. We send condolences to his dear family, and wish to hold them close at this time. He will be missed by us all.”

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