Swords Of Iron

494th day of fighting

In memory of the workers and volunteers who fell in the Swords of Iron War

In memory of the workers and volunteers who fell in the Swords of Iron War

Dr. Eitan Ne’eman R.I.P.

The story of Dr. Eitan Ne’eman R.I.P.

Dr. Eitan Ne’eman, 45, was killed in action while serving as a reserve combat medic. He was a senior pediatrician in Soroka Hospital .
was killed in action, on Wednesday, October 11, 2023. (Courtesy)

Dr. Eitan Ne’eman, 45, was killed in action on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, while serving as a reserve combat medic. He was a senior pediatrician in Soroka Hospital Urgent Care unit,  Beersheva,

Dr. Eitan Neeman was a married father of seven.

On the first day of the war he was treating patients of the massacre in the hospital, on the second day he was drafted into the reserves and was killed while saving lives on the ground as a medical officer.

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