Swords Of Iron

372th day of fighting

In memory of the workers and volunteers who fell in the Swords of Iron War

In memory of the workers and volunteers who fell in the Swords of Iron War

Ronen Angel R.I.P.

The story of Ronen Angel R.I.P.

MDA volunteer, EMT Ronen Angel z"l, a resident of Nir Oz and was kidnapped by Hamas in their attack on October 7th.

As the news of Ronen Angel’s (z”l) death, who was an MDA volunteer EMT and a resident of Nir Oz and was kidnapped by Hamas in their attack on October 7th comes to light, we in MDA bow our heads in sorrow and offer our condolences to his family.

Ronen z”l began his way in MDA around two years ago as an EMT and as of late he was nearing the end of the training to become an ambulance driver. On that black Saturday’s morning Ronen z”l left his house to save lives with a first responder MDA bag he held. The bag, which held life-saving equipment and had Ronen’s name signed on it, was found on the Kibbutz’s grounds after Ronen was kidnapped to Gaza.

Last week, his wife and daughters, who were kidnapped in that black Saturday as well, were freed in the exchange between Israel and Hamas. He leaves a wife, two daughters and a son.

Senior EMT and volunteer manager in the Ofakim MDA station Yossi Abuharon eulogized him: “Ronen z”l aspired to be an ambulance driver in Nir Oz and aid as many of his friends, the residents of the Kibbutz, as possible. Unfortunately, he didn’t manage to do this before his untimely death. He was always smiling, that was his hallmark. Even when we arrived at the worst of accidents – he managed to make his patients smile and forget from their troubles for a moment. This is a major loss, may his memory be blessed.”

MDA paramedic Dani Shtarkman, manager of Ofakim-Tzochar MDA station:  “Ronen was a smiley, happy and professional volunteer, who really wanted to save lives. He truly loved helping and his death is painful to all of us – his friends in the station, the region and all of the organization. We send condolences to his family, may his memory be blessed.”

 MDA Negev Region manager, Shimon Alkoby: “Ronen z”l was a talented and loved volunteer, who saved many lives and aided everyone in need near him. He left a special family, who lost their most beloved one. We are hurting his death and hugging his dear family. May his memory be blessed.”

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