Swords Of Iron

494th day of fighting

In memory of the workers and volunteers who fell in the Swords of Iron War

In memory of the workers and volunteers who fell in the Swords of Iron War

Yitschak Tsayger R.I.P.

The story of Yitschak Tsayger R.I.P.

Yitzhak was murdered on February 29, 2024, at 57, during a shooting attack in the Eli gas station.

Yitschak Tsayger of blessed memory

Yitzhak was murdered on February 29, 2024, at 57, during a shooting attack in the Eli gas station, having just drawn his pistol to shoot the terrorist. Yitzhak was successful in everything he did and was engaged in. He had a pleasant voice, often leading prayers in his synagogue and reading the Torah and the scrolls on Shabbat and festivals. Yitzhak always said he was chasing grace, always seeking opportunities to help. He was a Bezeq employee for 32 years.

Yitzhak was called for active reserve service on October 7 and celebrated his 57th birthday while in service. He was discharged ten days before the terror attack in which he was murdered.

Yitzhak had volunteered in MDA’s Jerusalem region for many years.

Yitzhak is survived by his wife, three sons, and nine grandchildren.

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