Swords Of Iron

521th day of fighting

October 7th, MDA Paramedic Yoel Kahn Testimony

Yoel Kahn, Paramedic and tutor in the Lachish region. On the 7th of October, he successfully resuscitated a city resident.

Yoel Kahn, Paramedic and tutor in the Lachish region, married and a father of a child, lives in Moshav Yashresh. On the 7th of October, he successfully resuscitated a city resident. Immediately after, he treated numerous wounded individuals, and each injury only emphasized the horrors that took place on that day.
Here is his story:

“I provided medical treatment to the first casualty at the field point in Kochav Michael for penetrating injuries from gunshots and shrapnel. We made a pact that he would stay awake and I would ensure he made it to the hospital alive. We kept him awake and provided medical treatment, plasma, and fluids during transportation to the hospital, performing life-saving procedures along the way.

After evacuating the wounded to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon, my team and I had to break into a burning house to rescue four elderly residents suffering from smoke inhalation. The firefighters were on their way to the scene, and we realized that if we didn’t go in now and get them out, they wouldn’t survive. We took action, and as a result, they survived.

Towards seven in the evening, I evacuated two reservists who suffered from gunshot wounds and shrapnel in their legs and back accompanied by their direct commander. When I asked him why he was coming with them, he sadly replied that they were all that was left of their class.

While working at Magen David Adom, I evacuated and treated several wounded during alarms. In these situations, we would exit the ambulance and shield the wounded with our bodies, acting as human shields.

Yoel’s family is concerned about him, but he insists that he has found his calling: “I have been in this profession since the age of 15, almost 25 years straight. I love the job and can’t imagine leaving the field. Yes, my family worries, and rightfully so, as it’s hard work and can be dangerous, especially when treating spinal injuries. However, my wife understands that this is my lifelong profession, my chosen path, and she supports me. As long as I remember to send a message from time to time to let her know that everything is OK.”He describes his strength as coming from his love for the profession as well as from his fellow workers: “There is no one else who can identify with the emotions we experience and the sensations we feel during routine treatment, especially in emergencies. My friends strengthen me, and it’s especially the fact that we manage to save lives.”

Do you remember the first seriously injured person he treated? Yoel was invited to his sister’s wedding and got to hug him when he was on his feet, strong and healthy.

Well done Yoel!


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