Swords Of Iron

519th day of fighting

In memory of the workers and volunteers who fell in the Swords of Iron War

In memory of the workers and volunteers who fell in the Swords of Iron War

Amishar Ben David R.I.P.

IDF Officer and MDA Volunteer Maj. (Res.) Amishar Ben David Z”L, fell in a Gaza. Amishar leaves a wife and five children.

Yitschak Tsayger R.I.P.

Yitzhak was murdered on February 29, 2024, at 57, during a shooting attack in the Eli gas station.

Dolev Haim Malka R.I.P.

Dolev Haim Malka Z"L (19), fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip where he was a fighter in the Nachshon Battalion.

Moshe Ohayon R.I.P.

Volunteer MDA EMT Moshe Ohayon, 52, was killed on October 7

Roi Avraham Maimon R.I.P.

Roi Avraham Maimon, 24, was killed in a truck explosion incident in the Gaza Strip.

Elkana Newlander HY”D R.I.P.

IDF soldier and MDA volunteer Sergeant Major Elkana Newlander HY"D, who fell in battle in the Gaza Strip.

Nitai Meisels R.I.P.

Armored Corps soldier and MDA Volunteer, Master Sergeant Nitai Meisels Z”L, fell in battle in Gaza

Itamar Shemen R.I.P.

Staff Sergeant Itamar Shemen, from Lapid, a Paramedic with the 36th Gaash Division. ell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

Tuval Yaakov Tsanani R.I.P.

MDA volunteer Staff Sergeant Tuval Yaakov Tsanani, fell in Gaza while performing his duties in the armored corps, in Battalion 53

Osher Barzilay R.I.P.

Magen David Adom volunteer Sergeant Osher Simha Barzilay z”l fell in the Nachal Oz base on October 7.
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